Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Winternals & Sysinternals bought by Microsoft

I just heard about this from Mark Russinovich's blog.

First I want to say Congrats to both Mark and Bryce Cogswell.  If Microsoft chooses to listen to these two, they are getting some first class people who will help make Windows a better more stable product, and give us better tools to work with and administrate it.  So I'm quite happy for them - again, if Microsoft chooses to listen to them.

Second, I want to say NOOOOOO!!!!  WHY?  WHY?  WHY?!   There are a TON of great utilities available for FREE on the Sysinternals website that I have used a lot.  I now think they will either go away or at a minimum no longer be free.  And I doubt Mark and Bryce will be available to create other free utilities either.  We have lost one of the most valuable resources around for Windows administration and troubleshooting.  You can read what others are saying on the Slashdot article.

So it is a mixed blessing for me, I'm happy for them, sad to lose all the tools.  Once again Microsoft as assimilated and shown "Resistance is futile".

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