Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Light Painting

Sunday night I decided to show the kids how to paint with light on digital photos.  I turned all the lights off, handed them flashlights, setup my camera and told them to wave the flashlights around when I told them.  They looked at me like I was crazy, but when they saw the result they loved it and wanted to do more!

Here's one photo I did showing them how to write words.

Of course that lead to this being done by Riley.  What else would you expect a 9yr old boy to write?  LOL!

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Taking down the Christmas tree

It's finally time, Christmas is over, the tree must come down. The Boy Scouts pick then up to recycle but we keep ours up too long. So we have to cut it down & put it in our yard debris bin.  It's actually still very fresh!  We put it up after Thanksgiving & use a mixture of 1 cup of 7-Up to 1 gallon of water. Works great!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Restarting my Blog

2012.  A new year.  At the start of 2010 I tried to blog more and post a photo a day.  That worked for about 5 or 6 months and I got burnt out.  No one seemed to be reading my blog - or at least commenting - so I didn't see much reason to blog.  Between Facebook and Google+ I didn't see much reason to have a separate blog.

But I think I'm going to try again.  Christmas 2010 my wife bought me a very nice Sony a55 dslr that I'm enjoying a lot!  I went to a one day class learning how to use it and now feel quite comfortable shooting in manual! :)  A group I'm in on Facebook is doing a weekly photo challenge - photos starting with the letter "A", then "B" the next week, then "C", and so on.  I'm going to rename my blog to "Richtpt's Photography", post those photos here (as well as the Facebook group), some others I like, and maybe even any tidbits I find helpful with photography & photo editing (not that I'm great, just like to share).

To begin things here's the "A" for the week, I call it "Aftermath".

This is after our New Years Eve party.  I corrected the color in Lightroom but then decided I liked the look straight out of the camera better so I left it. 
1/25 sec
ISO 3200
no flash

Also, here's a photo from before the party began, Margarita's ready to be made.

1/40 sec
ISO 400
50mm prime
no flash

My wife bought me this prime lens for Christmas and I'm really loving it!  I like the bokeh look plus being able to lower the ISO to get less grainy.  It takes some getting used to not being able to zoom in or out, but I'm finding it fun!

SO, that's my restart of my blog!  I hope I can post some interesting stuff that people will like!  Thanks for dropping by!