Monday, May 22, 2006

Very Cool Pearl Jam!

I'll admit Pearl Jam isn't one of my favorite bands.  However, I love what they have done with their new music video "Life Wasted".  Here's the Google Blog article:

Attention all Pearl Jam fans

Pearl Jam's new music video "Life Wasted"
is now on Google Video for free! Be sure to check it out now, as free
streaming and download is available only until next Wednesday.

And in line with the band's experimental personality, Pearl Jam released the "Life Wasted" video under a Creative Commons "some rights reserved" copyright license.
What does all that legal gibberish mean to you? It means that you can
download the video for free, share it with your friends, and even post
it on your own site--provided you give the band credit and don't use it
for commercial purposes. It's yet another example of Pearl Jam putting
its fans first.

I think this is great for everyone!  Now if we can just get more bands doing stuff like this.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Movie/book

I'm looking at the news online and just see tons of items about people protesting the movie, trying to block it from being shown, planning boycott's, etc. 

Hello?  Is anyone home?  The movie/book is FICTION!  That means it isn't real!  Even on Dan Brown's website he says,
"The Da Vinci Code is a novel and therefore a work of fiction."
I guess some people could read the book or watch the movie and think it's true, but that's their problem.  It's made up.  Fake.  Not true.  And it's a darn good story too!  Dan Brown even states
"Even so, a small but vocal group of individuals has proclaimed the story dangerous, heretical, and anti-Christian. While I regret having offended those individuals, I should mention that
priests, nuns, and clergy contact me all the time to thank me for
writing the novel. Many church officials are celebrating The Da Vinci
Code because it has sparked renewed interest in important topics of
faith and Christian history."

I read the book, loved it and am now looking forward to watching the movie.  Get real people, it isn't fact, and it's actually a really good story.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Illegal Immigrants...

So we've got all these people who are in this country illegally and they aren't working right now to show how much we depend on them, how much we need them.  Ya, right.

Well of course if they aren't going to be at their jobs those companies will suffer some, and people might not get what they want.  It would be that way with any group walking off the job.  What if all white males 25-30 walked off their jobs for a day or two?

They are trying to say we need them.  Um, WRONG!  If they weren't here, we would simply be employing others who are here LEGALLY!  Maybe some kids would have afterschool jobs again.  Maybe some people who don't go on to college would have an easier time finding jobs.

It doesn't help with companies employ these people.  Those employeers KNOW they are here illegally yet they hire them anyhow.  It's probably because they can pay them less than legal people and they're wanting to save a buck - more money for their pockets.

It's simple.  If you want to live and work in this country, come here legally.  Or at least work at becoming a legal citizen.  Why should I feel sympathy towards someone who is breaking the law?

Oh, and one more thing.  LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH!!  I shouldn't have to repeat myself over and over at some fast food restaurant because you can't understand what I'm saying.  And employeers, if they can't speak english, don't let them talk to customers!  I'm not saying forget your culture.  If I were to go to Germany, I would need to speak German to get around.  Sure, plenty probably speak a little english, but if I want to live there, I need to speak the language.  Trying to make them change just for me is wrong.

Sorry, no sympathy here for your Boycott.  You are taking jobs away from LEGAL people who could be working.  WE have to follow the laws, you should too.

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